Thursday, January 17, 2008

Presidential Elections

There is 'vertical integration' with a crush for technical/mangerial change rather than substitutionfor productive change. This distinction is important for thinking about the fate of creativeactivities( stage plays, live concerts of classical nature). Disguise forms appears thorughoutlong interface between live and filmed performances to encounter a new human resourcing roleplay scenarios. The extension of networks has led to quality improving innovations- travelling'combinatorial companies' taking play from city to city. Live theaters that encounter caste barriers and growth potentials. Performance enhancer for with a willingness to play for strong story materials. A veteran filmmaker would cast stage procuction partly on the producer[nth/2 elemnet] and finances[mth/2 elemnt].Fixed and variable factor/human-entities contributes into the presedential votes in your favour. Artists either strave or depart from the humdrum of labor market, howeverprefer themselves as donors/ contributors. Most blossomed as enterprenauers with creative objectivesacross federal barries to improve standards. Companies build supportive board of directorsto choose members who belived in enterpreneuer- directors creative work and those with greaterpotential for raising resources. The founding contracts lacked director's aesthetic objectives.The pattern of recruitment for professional staging has also opened up stage for monopolisticrole play scenarios for company's disappearence and/or reversion of commercial market, withingovernment[euro origina,afro-american,asian,persian, american]. Activities vulnerable to productionface a image of contractual commintment and enforcement. Coalition participants are able to hold-upprocesses a valuable asset across the sub-continents, dealmakers's have high costs that define thebride that can be demanded to let activity proceed. Once the bride is collected; the party stagingthe hold-up has unchanged incentives to repeat the processes. No one puts equity capital at riskin a venture, and projects potential profits to all parties of coalition. All parties committed to rule of law must necessarily be enforceable. We gain many a tangible benifits from our casualcommunications. Individuals social and economical positions and assets are exposed, enumerated,and evaluated-an exchange of information. The exchange may lead to friendship, itself a sourceof utility. It may give rise to lead of mutually benificial swaos of innumerable sorts- narroweconomic deals, or broader social links of obligation and reciprocal favor. The exchange may not only benifit all parties, as when social competition is involved, and the party who loses the competitionfor leadership perforce sinks into follower status. There is value in being led by a capable leader,and there are costs of competing for a position or rank that lies beyond one's reach.Even when we have no specific deal in mind when we first fall in coversation, the random display of each party's attitudes, interests, values, and skills fruitfully precedes the direct proposition,as a connoissuers of dating ploys. There emerges the value of creative goods of ones choice ofbooks, movies, music, and tv shows one's interests and attitudes to lubricate the wheels of conversation. Some consumers display intense involvement, devoting substantial parts of thier incomeand leisure time to creative activity; and and building up cultural capital; casual comsumerspurchase less and build little capital. Such economizing came about with a change in controlof the firm: biases towards takeover, development of television and dismantling of organizationstructure for promotion from borrowed funds. Studios profitablity was more predictable than theindependents. The process seems to have seized the self-denied function of financing independentfilmakers-actors and directors as well as independent producers.The process of election could be a mimic ofanother K-factor in 'customized designer stage' from Kerala.